13005 Greenville Avenue

California, TX 70240

+9714 - 434 3974

Toll Free

Mon - Sat 9.00 - 19.00

Sunday Closed

What is Connecting Dotz

Connecting Dotz is the “Networking Arm” of Ground Reality – An Entity that is into Consulting in various business domains viz , Strategy, IT Transformation, Real Estate, Agriculture & Rural Development, Hospitality, Logistics, Global Mobility & Immigration, Fleet Management, Artificial Intelligence etc;


Introduction to Professional Networking:
Professional Networking has become a topic of great interest as business interests and networks become ever more international which require access to information on a level that random and close acquaintances cannot provide.


The outcome from professional networking can be:
1. Job Offers;
2. Additional Sales;
3. Access to talent for recruitment;
4. Offers to become a speaker, trainer either for a fee or for free;
5. Insights into how things really work inside other organizations or fields of department / business;
6. Higher social status and access to social events inside and outside the business sphere;


Definition of Professional Networking:
“Networking is a deliberate activity to build, reinforce and maintain relationships of trust with other people to further your goals. Professional Networking is simply networking focused on professional goals.”
Professional Networking is about building relationships and trust and not just swapping business cards. For successful networking to take place, a real relationship needs to be built first. Some of the reasons people engage in


Professional Networking include:
1. To gain access to information and tacit knowledge;
2. To be perceived as the top of mind expert in a field of business;
3. To establish new professional relationships and to strengthen existing relationships;
4. To increase others trust in you and your trust in others;
5. To make sure other people know who you are, what you do, how you do it and what you want to achieve by doing it;
6. Self-promotion & establishment of oneself as an authority;